There is nothing more terrifying than the thought of being attacked by hackers. All your work gets altered or wiped out completely, which is really a serious issue for any website owner. So, it is very important to secure your website from attackers to protect your data and useful information.
Don’t think that hacks only happen to big guys, no, many small businesses become victims of hacking and data breaches. As many people are trying to hack you every day, website security is important. For this, you should install the security plugins to secure the WordPress website.
Install security plugin
Installing security plugins will protect your website from hackers. It can scan your site, including files, firewall, and other plugins. Also, it can atomically block IP addresses. Further, it allows you to see what is enabled and what is not enabled on your website. This plugin also sends you a weekly summary of any false attempts to log on or any other threat.
If you are looking for a free plugin to secure your website, then “security security” is a great option. Another free plugin is “Wordfence” to protect your website from attackers.
Here are the steps to use Wordfence:
- First, check all the info about “Wordfence”.

- After checking all the info, install the “Wordfence” plugin
- Confirming everything and click “continue.”
- Now when you run it, you may get a message to make a backup of certain files
- So, download those files and just save them
- Under settings, you are able to set the scan schedule according to your need.

Do not forget to check the “options” from the left menu to make sure everything needed is ticked. In addition to Wordfence, you can install any paid or free security plugin to protect your website from hackers.
Bonus Tip: Keep your website software up-to-date
Using a CMS with many plugins is beneficial, but the risk is always there. Many tools of CMS are open-source software programs, due to which their code is easily accessible to hackers. They often pro over the code and try to look for security vulnerabilities to hack your website by exploiting any software. But, if you keep updating your software, it becomes difficult for hackers to hack your site. So, do not forget to update your plugins and other tools you used to make a website mobile-friendly and user-friendly.
The security of your website is one of the most important things that you should not ignore. At Symphony Software, we can develop a good and secure website for your business. So, if you’re looking for experienced and professional web developers, you can sign up or call us for a great deal.